Tuesday 17 February 2015

Meghan Trainor's Lips Are Moving = #awesome

Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii - whatup peeps. Sorry I haven't been blogging for an absolute AGE!!!!! :( Well, I'm back now so, don't complain!

Lips Are Moving - Meghan Trainor's catchy song, pushing its way to the top of my favourite songs, shoving Blank Space out of the position.

Why do I like it? Because it's catchy, great to dance and sing along too, plus Meghan Trainor generally has a perfect voice!!!!! I know all the words to the song and, my Lips ain't Moving, my Lips ain't Moving, my Lips ain't Moving, I don't lie, lie, lie baby! :P

'Yeah, I come from outer space!!!!!', well duh, I'm an alien!

If you wanna see the video (I'm too lazy to put it here!), then just go to YouTube, or whatever!

- Flower_Power, the awesome girl!

Sunday 18 January 2015

Brilliant Baking

Hello in this post I will be showing you how to make banana bread. I hope you enjoy making and eating it!

Banana Bread Recipe

  • Prep time: 10 minutes
  • Cook time: 1 hour
  • Yield: Makes one loaf.
No need for a mixer for this recipe! Clean-up is easy too, if you want, you can mix everything in one bowl.
The best bananas to use for banana bread are those that are over-ripe. The yellow peels should be at least half browned, and the bananas inside  squishy and browning.


  • 2-3 very ripe bananas, peeled
  • 1/3 cup melted butter
  • 1 cup of sugar (can easily use 3/4 cup, or drop it down to 1/2 cup if you want it less sweet)
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • Pinch of salt
  • 1 1/2 cups of all-purpose flour


Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C), and butter a 4x8-inch loaf pan.
In a mixing bowl, mash the ripe bananas with a fork until smooth. Stir the melted butter into the mashed bananas.
Mix in the baking soda and salt. Stir in the sugar, beaten egg, and vanilla extract. Mix in the flour.
Pour the batter into your prepared loaf pan. Bake for 1 hour to 1 hour 10 minutes (check at 50 minutes) at 350°F (175°C), or until a tester inserted into the centre comes out clean.
Remove from oven and cool completely on a rack. Remove the banana bread from the pan. Slice and serve. (A bread knife helps to make slices that aren't crumbly.)

Read more:http://www.simplyrecipes.com/recipes/banana_bread/#ixzz3Krbaoyfa